a few day ago my talisman lose power and show check injection.i go to mechanic place.mechanic put down pipe from turbochager to intercooler and no air go out.when put in back all pipes.and when i gave a gas the pipe on intercoller put together.no vacum.and tell me the engine is broken.but i think he is wrong engine work normal.please tell me where is a problem
Beiträge von skAoS
problem solved.no more rattle an vibration
yes but no broken plastic to see.and there is a screw.yesterday i try to drive without glovebox.and not is to mutc vibration.but always little rattle.
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look that video on grand scenic.my talisman have same problem.one of the pipe be on the plastic and do vibration noise.but today i try repair that problem with vibration noise in dasboard.
time to find rattle noise.this two pipe vibrating.go up and down.touch the plastic one of the pipe.what can i do?
is it normal for that pipe.where go in interrior.that big and little pipe free go up and down?
there is a problem.broken plastic.yellow clip of glove box free go up and down.if possible repair this?20240523_184205.jpg
problem is not solved.when car stay on free run.air filter box and hose get a little vibrations.is problem there? or it if possible to vibration this in dashboard?
when take away plastic behind a door.there is butoon for disable passenger airbag.then take a drive and noise go away
when i give away plastic where is button to activate and deactivate button for passenger airbag and front vent then noise go away.when put back voice come back