Alles anzeigenHey,
her a translation from "schwampe" s article:
beforehand .... it works !!!
I'm back on my own version
-the settings which I have created in Developer mode have all been preserved!
-some settings in the normal menu were changed .... contacts disappeared, mobile had to be re-paired, multisense have changed the settings, profiles, etc.
-some settings remained but .... Volume, display, seating configuration, etc.
- The voice control and the help lines of the camera are as before the update .... so top !!!!!
- All maps of the navigation have disappeared, but can be downloaded after a new fingerprint via the toolbox (I'm doing).
And now a short "how to do":
I have worked with a total of 3 USB sticks to speed things up:
Download this file, unzip to USB stick in R-Link folder and install in vehicle .... Duration approx. 15 minutes
Download this file, unpack on reformatted or second stick in R-Link folder and install .... Duration approx. 7 min
R-Link folder ... Duration approx. 5 min
After installing point 4, delete the data on the stick in the car (query by R-Link2), remove the stick, plug it in again and create a new fingerprint.
On the PC then over
display the Navi maps and download them via the Toolbox on the Fingerprint Stick and then install them in the car. Estimated duration about 30-45 minutes .... but I still have to do it myself
Finished !!!!!
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